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菩薩 18 / Bodhisattva 18
本書由十八篇從「菩薩」意象出發的奇想式短篇故事所組成,每篇配以一幅原創插畫。菩薩的意念不限於宗教解讀,也可泛指萬物互相交織、世事變化無常的現象,以及超越現象的慈悲心。在每一篇故事中,精神與物質互為表裡,描畫出如冰、如火、如雲、如電的種種存在。人在其間有困惑、有安慰、有執著、有釋然;眾生的情態如如浮現,流露出生之欲望,和對逝去的了悟。作者採用篇幅極短的故事體,輕描淡寫,娓娓道來,卻時有靈光閃現,帶來瞬間的觸動和啟示。插畫家以色彩捕捉文本的神髓,融入個人情感與想像,創造出另一層的意境,畫作本身非常值得欣賞和收藏。 全書以人工智能GPT-4翻譯成英語,再由作者修改及校訂,與原文並行刊載。 文本|董啟章 生於香港,長於香港,寫小說。與狐狸和刺蝟為伍。以虛構的方式,書寫過去、現在與未來。亦寫書話及隨筆。近作有長篇小說《後人間喜劇》、《香港字》,讀書隨筆集《狐狸讀書》、《刺蝟讀書》、《非常讀》。 插畫|梁偉恩 現職藝術家/媽媽/人智學學生/蛻變遊戲教練。專注探索育兒、繪畫、生命的可能性。 This book comprises eighteen short stories inspired by the imagery of "Bodhisattvas," each accompanied by an original illustration. The concept of Bodhisattvas here transcends religious interpretations, symbolizing the interconnectedness of all things, the unpredictability of life, and the compassionate heart that goes beyond these phenomena. Each story explores the interplay between spirit and matter, depicting existences as varied as ice, fire, clouds, and lightning. The text is translated into English using GPT-4 and edited by the author. Text | Dung Kai Cheung Born and grew up in Hong Kong. Keeps company with a fox and a hedgehog. Writes about the past, the present, and the future in a fictional way. Also writes essays on reading. Recent works include the novels Posthuman Comedy, Hong Kong Type, and essay collections The Fox Reads and The Hedgehog Reads. Illustration | Ian Leong Currently an artist, mother, student of anthroposophy, and coach of the Transformation Game. Particularly focused on exploring the possibilities of life through child raising, painting, and drawing.
- 上架日期7/11/2024
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特設 董啟章 的簽名寄語版
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